Singapore Company Formation
To setup a Private Limited Company, you need to provide the following information:
Shareholder: The company can be owned by individual / corporate entity. A local shareholder is not required.
Director: You are required to appoint at least one Singapore Resident Director. If you do not have a local director, we can provide our nominee director service to fulfill the requirement.
Secretary: You are required to appoint a Singapore Resident Secretary. This person is responsible for working closely with the director to ensure that the company complies with the regulatory requirements.
Paid Up Capital: You can incorporate a company with minimum capital of S$1.00. In some cases, a higher capital may be required.
Registered Address: Your company must have a Singapore Address. P.O.Box is not allowed. If you do not have a local address, we can provide our Registered Address Service to fulfill the requirement.
Financial Year End (FYE) Date: You need to select a FYE Date for your company.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to register a Singapore Company?
Through the CSP Platform, the company can be incorporated within 2-3 working days.
What is the role of the Ottavia nominee local director?
Our role as a Nominee Director is strictly in a non-executive capacity. We will not receive a salary, or sign any contract on behalf of the company, or be the bank authorised signatory.
What are the responsibilities of a nominee local director?
Singapore Law does not differentiate between nominee / executive director. A Person who is listed as a director carries certain responsibilities to ensure the company in compliance. Click here to learn more.
Can I as a foreign individual, register the company directly with ACRA?
No. As per the Singapore Law, all foreign individuals are required to engage a licensed Corporate Service Provider to assist with the setup of the Singapore Company.
I am planning to operate 2 different business activities. Do I need to setup 2 companies?
No. You may operate 2 different business activities under one company.
Can I appoint my local friend to be the Secretary?
Yes, as long as the appointed secretary has the knowledge and experience with Singapore Companies Act. If the Secretary fails in his/her duty, the director of the company is held responsible by ACRA.
Can I use a residential address as the company registered address?
Yes. If you live in your own Private Property, you may do so. If you are renting the property, it is advisable to seek a written consent from the landlord. If you live in a government property (HDB) you are required to obtain Home Office Scheme License.
Under what situation does the company require higher Paid up Capital?
A higher Paid up Capital may be required if the company is applying for Employment Pass for any foreign employees. Additionally, there are certain business activities which require the company to apply for business licenses and meet the paid up capital requirements.